I am passionate about developing systems.
I am a Systems Research Scientist in the Emerging Systems Lab at Intel Labs, India. Prior to joining Intel, I was working as a Research Associate in the Systems Research Group at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
I completed my PhD from the Complex Network Research Group at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur under the supervision of Dr. Sandip Chakraborty and Dr. Bivas Mitra (2016-2020). I am a recipient of the COMSNETS Association Best PhD Thesis Award 2021.
My primary area of research has been in the field of sensor data collection and analysis obtained from multi-modal sources. In my PhD I had been utilizing such information towards developing systems supporting the transport systems. Currently, I am more focused on the real-time aspect of the data being generated by sensors deployed at a citywide scale. The idea being not only to store and learn from the data that these citywide sensors generate but to take crucial decisions with minimum latency to support the needs of the city.